Sunday, November 15, 2009

29 days

I read recently, in one of my various left-leaning, new-agey publications, about a woman who made a concise, conscious effort to give a gift every day for 29 days. It could be a compliment, a cookie, a bracelet--whatever--but it had to be given mindfully, and without the expectation of something in return.

Don't you think that's nice? I do. I decided to try, just the other day, and have found it nearly impossible. You see, there's a selfish, hungry beast inside me that always, ALWAYS expects reciprocation. A kind word in return, maybe, or the promise of a baked good left on my own desk, a roll recently purchased from the neighborhood bakery and sticky with sugar and butter.

Do you think that when I grow up I'll be able to give freely, without the burden of assumption and anticipation? Maybe the nasty beast will decide she's sated, and slink off with her head down, to a shadowy place, to sleep.

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